28 Temmuz 2009 Salı

Sabiha Gokcen International Airport

Sabiha Gokcen International Airport

Address :

Sabiha Gokcen International Airport 34912 Pendik

Tel : + 90 216 585 50 00
Fax : + 90 216 585 51 14

Located on the Anatolian shore of Istanbul at Pendik / Kurtkoy, at a distance of 40 km to Kadikoy, 12 km to Pendik and 50 km to Taksim. It has a really convenient traffic in terms of transportation with its 1.5 km connection to the TEM motorway.

Visit our website for online reservation : http://www.aeroporttransfer.com/reservation.asp

or send us an email : reservation@aeroporttransfer.com

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